It might seem absurd but in reality, every production department is the same as the rest in many ways; even if they all seem different.
One of the classic phrases that I hear is “but my production department is different, my challenges are different”.
This is the classic defense attitude adopted by those who do not want to face change or even worse are afraid to face it and then bring up the excuse that his production department is different.
The truth is that there is no different production department and all users of CNC machine tools should take this concept to heart as soon as possible and face reality.
We are all in the same sector, namely Production.
And we all have to deal with CNC Machines to do the best possible work and make the company better while attempting to make more money.
I, on my side, sell them, while you use them, but the basic concept is the same for both.
We are both in the production sector and our primary goal is to improve our productivity in order to have efficient departments.
All this said, how can we reach it?
Simple, with a tested and tried method, which helps us to obtain the best relationship between productivity and flexibility, in order to face new market challenges with foresight and precision.
I have repeated this concept for years to my clients and will repeat it until I am exhausted with no strength left.
One of the most difficult and largest problems faced today by those using CNC Machine Tools is the management of small and medium batches.
Yet the demands of the market is increasingly converging in this direction, with inconsistent orders and aggressive markets that suddenly change course.
Learning how to best manage this part of production is essential for having yourself covered and helping the company continue to earn.
The problem is that the business model of the Machining Centers in battery is no longer sustainable, because, even if it makes you very flexible, it kills your productivity and weighs on the company’s costs. It increases overhead.
The Flexible Production method was born for this reason.
To be at the service of those who want to return (or stay) competitive and have CNC machine tools that do their duty in the best possible way.
I applied this method to all my clients and the results have been excellent.
Not customers in the same sector.
From all different sectors and all who did not just talk but on the contrary have acted, purposefully, to get the results they so desired.
Here is the testimony of one of them:
“We had a horizontal machining center and were unable to deal with the work load due to high volumes but relatively small lots, so in order to solve this problem we would have had to purchase two additional machining centers, which also meant having to hire more personnel to operate the machines.
Then we discovered the Flexible Production method!
We were able to move all the milling jobs to one machine, since the processing time per piece was reduced.
The main advantage was without a doubt the fact that, with the same number of operators, we managed to deal with the work load, without hiring other technicians.
Once a piece is tooled the first time, the following set ups are quick and easy.”
He is one of the 9 users of CNC machine tools, click on the following link to read:
>>> www.flexibleproduction.com/testimonials <<<
All working in different sectors, all with different production departments, all with different processing components.
And yet everyone who has understood that in reality they work in the same sector as anyone else, namely that of Production.
So, they understood that they needed a method, they started to apply it and the results did not delay to arrive.
9 users of CNC machine tools and only one method in common.
Read also the testimonies of the other 8 entrepreneurs, production managers, and toolmakers and then tell me what you think.
>>> www.flexibleproduction.com/testimonials <<<
If instead you want to deepen the world of Flexible Production I suggest you start from this book written directly by me, which you can find at this link
>>> www.flexibleproductionbook.com <<<
To your results,